Application Fee: $200 (non-refundable)
Enrollment Fee: $350 (non-refundable, paid only if accepted)
Tuition & Scholarships
Learn more about the tuition and fee schedule.
Tuition & Fee Schedule (2025-2026)
Application & Enrollment Fees
Tuition and Program fees are combined.
Elementary: $13,800.00 (Kindergarten – 5th Grade)
Secondary: $15,250.00 (6th – 12th Grade)
There are NO discounts provided (i.e. legacy, student, or church members).
Due Dates
Tuition & Fees
5th of every month (August – May)
Payment Options
1, 2, or 10 months
20th of every month (July – June)
Florida Tax Credit Scholarship
Family Empowerment Scholarship for Education Options
Family Emowerment Scholarship for Unique Abilities
Financial Aid
Financial Aid is available to all families through FACTS Grant & Aid. All families can apply for financial aid! Financial aid disbursement will be applied to the family tuition portion AFTER the scholarship.
Families may be eligible and encouraged to apply for both financial aid and a scholarship. If awarded, scholarships and financial aid awards may be applied to a student’s FACTS account.
Applications will open on the following dates:
Returning Families: December 11, 2024
New Families: January 21, 2025
While financial aid applications are being processed, families are still responsible for making tuition payments.
FACTS Financial Aid
Grant & Aid
To apply, complete the FACTs Grant & Aid Financial Aid application – there is an Application Fee of $45.00. The application will require tax returns and W-2s to be uploaded.
Step Up For Students Scholarships
Step-up opens for renewals and new applicants in early spring. They will notify returning families and new families that have joined their interest list prior to opening via email.
To complete the process, you must confirm your FACTs account by July 20, 2025.
FACTS/Renweb Family Billing
New and current families can view their invoices, make payments and manage their accounts.
District Code: FT-FL